Frequently Asked Questions

Where is Wichita Self Storage located?
Wichita Self Storage is located at 820 N Ridge Road, Wichita, KS 67212.
What are the office hours?
Office Hours are Tuesday - Friday 8:30am - 5pm, Saturday 8am-1pm, Closed on Sundays and Mondays.
When can I access my belongings?
Access your belongings 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Am I required to store long-term?
You’re never required to store with us long-term since we offer flexible month-to-month leases.

What documentation do I need to rent a storage unit?
You must have identification, security deposit, administration fee and first month's rent.

Am I able to purchase boxes and other supplies?
Purchase boxes, tape, bubble wrap, and much more from the office at a competitive price.
How do I make my monthly payments?
Make your monthly storage payments online using a debit or credit card. You can also stop by the office to pay in-person.
What security features do you offer?
Our security system includes 24-hour video surveillance, perimeter fencing, and computer-controlled gate entry.